Friday, March 07, 2008


Bicycle, originally uploaded by pinkcanoe.


Bicycle, originally uploaded by pinkcanoe.

It occurred to me the other day that I've been riding a bicycle for over 50 years now. I've never not used my bicycle for getting around. (I didn't buy my first car until I was 40.) It's always been a natural thing to get on my bike to go to work, run errands or just enjoy the outdoors.

This particular bike has been with me for over 20 years. I bought it in Toronto in the 1980s. Occasionally I've thought of trading it in but all it needs is a tune-up every two or three years and it just keeps going and going.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Saturday Morning Walk

Saturday Morning Walk, originally uploaded by pinkcanoe.

When I looked out the window this morning, there was brilliant sunshine everywhere. But when the dog and I stepped out for our morning walk we discovered (well, me more than him) a brisk breeze off the water. We had a brisk (chilly and fast) walk and then headed away from the water for wind protection on the side streets leading towards home.

Environmental Concerns

Sign 2, originally uploaded by pinkcanoe.

OK, a steel balloon. But as we know, steel balloons are easily punctured.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse - Feb 20-08

Lunar Eclipse - Feb 20-08, originally uploaded by pinkcanoe.

I almost missed last night's lunar eclipse. I thought it was cloudy outside but when I took the dog for his evening walk I discovered there wasn't a single cloud in the sky (unusual for Victoria in February). Lots of people alone or in little groups all around the neighbourhood. I saw one guy taking a picture with his cell phone. This was the best I could do with a 10X zoom ... the moon was probably just a dot on his photo.